Eyecirque Under Eye Gel Serum is formulated for all skin types in state-of-the-art internationally accredited skin research laboratories. Its ground-breaking nanotechnology-based biocellular formula contains carefully curated, safety tested and scientifically proven plant-based natural ingredients that are thoroughly tested for safety on the skin around the eyes.

The EYECIRQUE UNDER EYE GEL SERUM formula incorporates ground-breaking nanotechnology where ingredients have undergone an advanced particle size reduction process to give particle sizes of less than 50 nanometres. Such extremely small potent nano-particles are absorbed almost 20 times better and faster into the skin providing deeper skin penetration. This allows for greater spread across the target skin site and significantly improved bioavailability leading to quicker and more prominent results. Our researchers have designed this technology specially for the delicate skin around the eyes after thorough dermatological and ophthalmological testing.